The following hack allows us to draw a diagram in a diagram in a table in a legend :D
skinparam legendBackgroundColor transparent
skinparam legendBorderColor transparent
actor Editor as editor
queue Queue as "Message\nQueue"
editor -> [Component] : call
[Component] --> Queue : publish
legend right
scale 0.7
skinparam defaultFontSize 14
skinparam BackGroundColor transparent
skinparam defaultBackgroundColor white
!procedure $entry($type, $label, $scale=1)
{{\nscale $scale \nskinparam backgroundcolor transparent\nlabel " " as A\nlabel " " as B\n $type \n}} => $label
map "<b>Legend</b>" as legend #white {
$entry(":Editor:","\nEditor for Data xyz", 0.6)
$entry("[Component]","\nSome Component", 0.8)
$entry("queue Queue","\nKafka-Topic", 1)
$entry("A -> B","Data-Flow")
This produces the following image: