Creating elegant, typesafe Queries for JPA, mongoDB Morphia and Lucene using Querydsl

Querydsl is a framework that allows us to create elegant, type-safe queries for a variety of different data-sources like Java Persistence API (JPA) entities, Java Data Objects (JDO), mongoDB with Morphia, SQL, Hibernate Search up to Lucene. In the following tutorial we’re implementing example queries for different environments – Java Persistence API compared with a JPQL and a criteria API query, mongoDB with Morphia and last but not least for Lucene. ...

February 13, 2014 · 9 min · 1879 words · Micha Kops

Creating Grammar Parsers in Java and Scala with Parboiled

Parboiled is a modern. lightweight and easy to use library to parse expression grammars in Java or Scala and in my humble opinion it is perfect for use cases where you need something between regular expressions and a complex parser generator like ANTLR. In the following tutorial we’re going to create a simple grammar to specify a task list and write an implementation of a parser also as unit tests for each grammar rule in Java. ...

January 26, 2014 · 11 min · 2176 words · Micha Kops

JAX-RS 2.0 REST Client Features by Example

JAX-RS 2.0 aka JSR 339 not also specifies the API to build up a RESTful webservice but also enhances the client side API to ease up the process of writing a client for a REST service. In the following tutorial we’re building up a client for a ready-to-play REST service and explore the different new options e.g. how to handle requests in a synchronous or asynchronous way, how to add callback handlers for a request, how to specify invocation targets to build up requests for a later execution or how to filter the client-server communication using client request filters and client response filters. ...

December 30, 2013 · 10 min · 1941 words · Micha Kops

Creating a Websocket Chat Application with Vert.x and Java

Vert.x is a modern, lightweight framework to build high performance applications running on the Java Virtual Machine. The framework is polyglot so that you’re able to write your application in Java, Groovy, Ruby, Python or even JavaScript. In addition it offers a nice component system, an actor-like concurrency model a distributed event bus and an elegant API to create scalable applications in no time. In the following tutorial we’re going to build a websocket chat by creating a HTTP server and the websocket server using Vert.x, Java and Maven. ...

November 13, 2013 · 8 min · 1527 words · Micha Kops

Writing Java Integration Tests for MongoDB

MongoDB is matured, document-oriented, cross-platform NoSQL database system with drivers available for a bunch of different programming languages. In the following short examples I’m going to write some integration tests for MongoDB using the MongoDB Java driver and the Flapdoodle library to create an embedded MongoDB instance for testing. We’re going to write tests for a simple persist-and-query scenarion and for a map-reduce function and in addition I’m going to show how to bind the start and stop of a MongoDB instance to a Maven goal using the embedmongo-maven-plugin. ...

October 16, 2013 · 8 min · 1585 words · Micha Kops

Playing with Java 8 Lambda Expressions

Many articles have been written about JSR 335 aka Lambda Expressions for the JavaTM Programming Language but I like to try new things out for myself and that’s why I’d like to share my snippets here. Figure 1. Lambda Hacking using the NetBeans Developer Version Setup JDK and IDE It takes just some short steps to setup your environment … Download and install the Java 8 JDK with lambda support Download and install the NetBeans IDE Development version Configure NetBeans to use the Java 8 JDK (> Manage Platforms…) ...

September 22, 2013 · 5 min · 1012 words · Micha Kops

Business Process Modeling with Activiti and BPMN 2.0

Having tried a bunch of workflow engines and business processing management platforms I now have given the Activiti framework a try. I immediately liked the good test support using annotations and jUnit test rules, a straight API and the good Eclipse IDE integration as well as I liked the Activiti Explorer and the Activiti REST Application and the feeling to achieve quick results with less effort when using this framework. ...

September 15, 2013 · 16 min · 3261 words · Micha Kops

Filtering Source Files using the Templating Maven Plugin

The Templating Maven Plugin looks useful if one needs to copy and to filter source files in a project e.g. to add property values from the build environment to a class. For a short demonstration I’ve added the following short snippet. Dependencies Only one dependency needed .. simply add the following snippet to your pom.xml <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>templating-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0-alpha-3</version> <executions> <execution> <id>filter-src</id> <goals> <goal>filter-sources</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> ...

September 3, 2013 · 2 min · 215 words · Micha Kops

Creating a Chat Application using Java EE 7, Websockets and GlassFish 4

Java EE 7 is out now and so I was curious to play around with the new specifications and APIs from in this technology stack. That’s why I didn’t hesitate to add yet another websocket-chat tutorial to the existing ones on the internet in favour of gathering some experience with this technology and a possible integration using a GlassFish 4 server, the new Java API for JSON Processing for data serialization combined with custom websocket encoders/decoders and finally adding some Bootstrap and jQuery on the client side. ...

August 13, 2013 · 8 min · 1591 words · Micha Kops

Embedding Jetty or Tomcat in your Java Application

Recently I needed to control an embedded web container from a Java application and I wanted to see how this could be achieved using an embedded instance of either Tomcat or Jetty here. In the following short examples I would like to show how to embed both servers in an application in no time using Gradle or Maven as build tool. Dependencies We just need to add the web container libraries to our project here .. I’ve added the build config for Gradle and Maven here… ...

July 9, 2013 · 4 min · 782 words · Micha Kops