Observability Strategies USE USE stands for:
Utilization - Percent time the resource is busy, such as node CPU usage Saturation - Amount of work a resource has to do, often queue length or node load Errors - Count of error events This method is best for hardware resources in infrastructure, such as CPU, memory, and network devices. For more information, refer to The USE Method.
Source: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/dashboards/build-dashboards/best-practices/
RED RED stands for:
Rate - Requests per second Errors - Number of requests that are failing Duration - Amount of time these requests take, distribution of latency measurements This method is most applicable to services, especially a microservices environment. For each of your services, instrument the code to expose these metrics for each component. RED dashboards are good for alerting and SLAs. A well-designed RED dashboard is a proxy for user experience.