Quick Apache NiFi Setup with Docker

Steps Pull image and run with ports exposed: docker run --name "nifi" -p 8443:8443 -d apache/nifi:latest Fetch the generated username and password from the logs: docker logs nifi | grep -A1 "Generated Username" Generated Username [8f6d91f7-733e-40cf-b900-059ea9dccbf2] Generated Password [v7KGiiRYLJL2+HzhKOqz1rbgiPOaWz0B] Now we may enter the https://localhost:8443/nifi/login in our browser, accept the security exemption and login with the credentials from above, voila! Installing additional connectors I have found a nice summary on the following GitHub repository: ...

February 8, 2022 · 1 min · 200 words · Micha Kops

Using Throwaway Containers for Integration Testing with Java, JUnit 5 and Testcontainers.

A lot of boilerplate code is written when developers need to test their applications with different connected systems like databases, stream platforms and other collaborators. Docker allows to handle those dependencies but there is still some glue code required to bind the container’s lifecycle and the configuration to the concrete integration test. Testcontainers is a testing library that offers lightweight throwaway instances of anything able to run in a Docker container, with bindings to configure the specific containers and also provides wrappers to manage our own custom containers. ...

January 30, 2019 · 6 min · 1110 words · Micha Kops

Dynamic Configuration Management with Netflix Archaius and Apache ZooKeeper, Property-Files, JMX

Though having written about other configuration management libraries for Java before, I would like to demonstrate another one today: Netflix Archaius. Archaius offers some nice features like dynamic typed properties, thread-safe operations, an event system for property changes/updates, a JMX MBean to read and update properties and adaptors for a variety of dynamic configuration sources like Amazon DynamoDB, JDBC, URLs and Apache ZooKeeper. In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to read and update application configuration properties with Archaius and data sources like property-files, system-properties, JMX and Apache ZooKeeper. ...

April 13, 2016 · 4 min · 713 words · Micha Kops

Java EE: Setting up and Testing Form-Based JDBC Authentication with Arquillian and Maven

Especially when it comes to testing, setting up a decent environment for a secured Java EE web application isn’t always an easy thing to do. In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to create a secured web application using form-based authentication and a JDBC realm to fetch users and roles and how to run the application in an embedded container for testing and development. Additionally I’d like to show how to write and run integration tests to verify the security setup using a setup of Maven, Embedded GlassFish, Arquillian, jUnit and rest-assured. ...

December 21, 2014 · 14 min · 2822 words · Micha Kops

Easy Database Migrations using Flyway, Java EE 6 and GlassFish

Database migrations often are a necessity in the application development and maintenance life-cycle. Whenever we need to apply changes to the database structure, insert new data fragments and in doing so want to be sure that this all happens with some control and versioning. The following tutorial shows how implement this for a simple Java EE 6 web application to be run on a GlassFish application server in a few quick steps using the Flyway framework, an eager initialized Singleton EJB and some Maven wiring. ...

April 28, 2013 · 9 min · 1742 words · Micha Kops

Postgres Snippets

Get size of a table SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('schemaname.tablename')); Select unique combination of fields / tuples SELECT DISTINCT ON(field1, field2) field1, field2 FROM thetable Select rows where a combination of fields is not unique SELECT columnA, columnB, count(*) AS count FROM thetable GROUP BY columnA, columnB HAVING count(*) > 1 Search for rows with array containing value Assuming, the field appointments has the type date[] SELECT * FROM mtable WHERE appointments @> ARRAY['2023-09-19'::date] ...

March 1, 2010 · 9 min · 1772 words · Micha Kops